Soul Sparking Spanish Courses
“These classes have ignited my passion for spanish”
Welcome to Wild About Spanish!

About the Courses
- We focus on the sounds, rhythms, and feeling of this beautiful language right from the very first class. Why? Because when it comes to communication the ‘music’ and energy of the language are just as important as the words that you speak.
- We give you THE KEY USEFUL AND VERSATILE INGREDIENTS of the Spanish language, empowering you to take off and make the language your own.
- Small classes of 6 people from around the world giving you rich opportunities to create the conversation, receive individual feedback, & get to know one another.

- Classes are held in a POSITIVE, ACTIVE & CREATIVE AMBIENCE – keeping our energy and motivation high for optimum learning and enjoyment.
- 8 week modules of weekly 2 hour classes (with a short 10 minute break in each class).
- A generous menu of Spanish exclamations and responses that ALLOW YOUR PERSONALITY AND HUMOUR TO FLOW.
- Igniting your motivation & enjoyment…fuelling your desire for more … giving you the buoyancy & hunger you need to ‘surf the grammar’!
- Celebrating connection with Our True Nature – and amazing human potential…
- Exploring the BEAUTY & DEPTH of the Spanish language & Hispanic culture & simply, the ‘music’ of the language.

Why Learn Spanish?
SPEAKING SPANISH ENERGISES OUR BODY…with the open vowels…rolling ‘rr’s and rhythms …new and beautiful sounds… it makes us feel more alive… a wonderful way to raise our spirits & express ourselves. It’s a great feeling!
LEARNING SPANISH OPENS NEW WORLDS : literature, cultural exchange, music and PLEASURE…& gives unexpected insights into ourselves and life.
SPANISH IS THE SECOND MOST SPOKEN LANGUAGE IN THE WORLD (after Mandarin) and is the native language in at least 21 countries.


Live Global Salón Courses
The 8 week ‘Live Global Salón Courses’ are for Complete Beginners, Beginners Plus, as well as Intermediate Level Students. Classes consist of 6 students from around the world.
Each weekly class is for 2 hours with a short break in the middle. Students are encouraged to activate their learning and creativity in Spanish between classes. Listening, writing & speaking practise in collaboration with class mates all help to fuel your enthusiasm and abilities for MORE.

Private 1 on 1 Tuition
You might feel you need a 1:1 session to help you move through a learning block, regain your confidence or move on to the next level. These sessions are a valuable resource to help you with pronunciaton, getting the feel, sounds and rhythms of Spanish, and finding your way to flourishing with the language.
Bespoke Group Classes
I create bespoke classes for groups of friends, business associates, or families, and can incorporate a particular focus of your choice e.g. Hispanic Music & Culture.
Contact Queries & Bookings
Contact me for all bookings and enquiries. PLEASE NOTE: It’s important to make the best match of class for you.
So, I like to have a chat with you before you sign up to get to know you a little & to identify your level of Spanish.
“WILD ABOUT SPANISH (with Belinda) is a fantastic way to really absorb Spanish language. I’ve been quite stuck learning in classes and from books.. Belinda’s online classes allow me to listen and practice speaking, which is far more useful than understanding alone. Also, I’d lost my enthusiasm for learning, these classes have ignited my PASSION para Español. Such a great investment, so glad I joined in!!! Highly recommend!”
“I highly recommend Belinda’s zoom class. No one gets left behind and she always finds a way to bring the passion alive. Far from dry route learning this is expressive and joyous, learning exclamations and all the building blocks to enjoy Spanish conversation. I’m definitely booking in for the next one.”
About Bella:

‘Bella’, Belinda Ray, has been an aficionado of Spanish language and culture for over 30 years. She ate, prayed and loved in Spanish whilst living and working in Barcelona, Spain for 12 years. But it wasn’t fun to begin with. In fact, it was hellishly uncomfortable.
She learned what its like to land in a new country, bursting with hopes and dreams, only to find oneself surrounded by ‘the natives’ yabbering away like manic aliens on another planet. There seems to be no way into the language and nowhere to go. What to do? Initially, all she could manage was to manufacture a mysterious ‘Mona Lisa Smile’ that might just cover all appropriate responses. Or not! Language schools seemed dull and uninviting to her. She wanted to mix with the people. So she did. And it took time.
She needed someone who understood her predicament. A friendly guide and cheer leader, to help her across the bridge from feeling helpless & ignorant to where she wanted to be: happily launched as an individual capable of confident communication and interaction with the people of Spain.
And that is how WILD ABOUT SPANISH came about. Knowing what its like to jump into a new culture and language, W.A.S. is the bridge, here to support, motivate, and guide you across to the other side where you find yourself confident and alive with speaking Spanish.
A magnetic fascination with Spain, its people, language, culture, and landscapes, held her in joyful captivity as she explored the worlds of festivals, music, flamenco, belly dance …working as a photographer, interpreter, translator, English Teacher, cultural liaisonneur, and B&B host. Barcelona in the 80’s was dazzlingly rich with contrasting sights and sounds…as Spain emerged from the legacy of the Dictadura of Generalissimo Franco and opened herself to the world, gaining the honour of hosting the 1992 Olympics. Bella picked up Catalan (the language of the region of Catalunya with Barcelona as its capitol) as well as Spanish & worked with The Rolling Stones Steel Wheels Tour teaching Mick Jagger how to entertain his audience in Catalan.
Whilst teaching English in Barcelona, Belinda’s expertise in communications and PR were employed to facilitate and develop new business connections for Catalan CEO’s with the markets of the USA.
Belinda has worked in language teaching, communications, design and well being around the globe. Delighting in her work with people, language, sound, rhythm, dance, song, & soul, she brings these elements to the creative table. This is Spanish with Soul; designed to make you WILD ABOUT SPANISH.
It is Bella’s absolute pleasure to share her enthusiasm for Spanish & witness her students’ triumph as they find their confidence & self-expression in this beautiful language.
She now lives in The Magical Preseli Hills of Pembrokeshire, Wales, UK, and hosts online classes from her mediterranean style conservatory … surrounded by amazing rock formations, big skies, wild horses, reams of sheep, bogs, cats, geraniums and grape vines.
And that is how WILD ABOUT SPANISH came about. Knowing what its like to jump into a new culture and language, W.A.S. is the bridge, here to support, motivate, and guide you across to the other side where you find yourself confident and alive with speaking Spanish.
A magnetic fascination with Spain, its people, language, culture, and landscapes, held me in joyful captivity there for over 12 years as I explored the worlds of festivals, music, flamenco, belly dance …working as a photographer, interpreter, translator, English Teacher, cultural liaisonneur, and B&B host. Barcelona in the 80’s was dazzlingly rich with contrasting sights and sounds. As Spain emerged from the legacy of Franco, I picked up Catalan alongside Spanish, enabling me to join The Rolling Stones Steel Wheels Tour and teach Mick Jagger how to entertain his audience in Catalan.
I’ve worked in international PR, language teaching, communications, design and well being around the globe. Delighting in my work with people, languages, sound, rhythm, dance, song, & soul, I bring these elements to the creative table. This is Spanish with Soul; designed to make you WILD ABOUT SPANISH.
It is an absolute pleasure to share my enthusiasm for Spanish & witness my students’ triumph as they find their confidence & self-expression in this beautiful language.
I now live in The Magical Preseli Hills of Pembrokeshire, Wales, UK, and host online classes from my mediterranean style conservatory … surrounded by amazing rock formations, big skies, wild horses, reams of sheep, bogs, cats, geraniums and grape vines.